Monday, June 28, 2010


"So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." - Luke 11:9-10
Had coffee and a nice talk with the Lord today.:)

Friday, June 25, 2010


There are too many pictures to explain how great of a day today was.
I am so happy right now.
My family that I have missed so much is all here in Texas! all 31 of them:)

Flights were good. I love being in the air. I found this really cool travel journal so I am documenting each day of my vacations.

I am so happy that I have found the peace within myself and with God and I know everything will be okay so I don't have to worry about a thing and just live in the moment.

I am so blessed.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Painting with a Fork

Today I was feeling very artsy.

I ended up painting my 3D glasses various colors, making my Dad a mug and working on...the ultimate. craft. project. aka the U.C.P.
This thing hangs on my wall for all to see. I am very proud of it and am excited to get it all finished up!

I want to be an artist. An artist is not someone who can draw amazing or paint wonders. An artist is someone who looks at things differently. I see things differently. I look at the world at a different perspective. I create different ways and form new ideas.
I looked through my scrapbooks from when I was little and I came across one of my pre-school assignments. It had three blobs drawn onto it with eye balls. On the bottom it said, "When I grow up, I want to be and artist that paints bears."

The dream started out young:)


Today truly felt like summer:)

My day consisted of this:

I finished my music video. It's called Minute-Maid and is on YouTube.

I found a Dinosaur egg. I'm sure of it.

I ate the most ginormous lunch and had some quality bonding time with my dog. I Possibly have the cutest one on the planet.

I basked in the sun for a few hours. Molly worked on her tan as well.
I went to my very LAST drivers Ed class and passed my test with and 89%!! yes!!

I went to Dairy Queen and worfed down chicken fingers, fries, and a banana cream pie blizzard. (bad idea)

Auditioned for Synergy. Talked for awhile with Katie Lynn. What an adorable kid.

Topped the night off with Toy Story 3. Splendid movie! This is exactly why I want to work for Disney Pixar when I get older.

Now for the pillow....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Impassible Dream

When I was a little girl, I was a dreamer. I would sit down and create my fantasy world full of all things I hoped I could do. At the time they seemed very unrealistic, but that didn't stop me from adding more and more to it to make them bigger.

For some reason I knew I could never accomplish them , but I hoped maybe one day by some holy miracle God would give me the power to achieve them.

As a child everything seems so far away. I would always tell myself, "2013, that'll never be here!!" and yet it is only 3 years away. And, "Me driving!! That will be in so long!" and yet... tomorrow is my last drivers ed. class.

The time is here and I have thought back to those things that I thought impossible. God listened to me as a grew up and kept those dreams handy. He is blessing me with more than I ever deserve and He keeps on answering my prayers from 8 years ago to this very day.

Dream 1) I want to be a National American Miss Queen and be on the cover of the program book.
Prayer answered: On November 23, 2008 I was crowned National All-American Miss Pre-teen. I was on the back cover of every state pageant's program book.

Dream 2) I want to be successful somehow athletically.
Prayer answered: In the 7th grade, I won districts, "Sit and Reach" (proudest moment)

Dream 3) I want to be in a magazine.
Prayer answered: I have appeared in 7 of this years "Dance Spirit" and "Dance Magazine" editions on an advertisement.

Dream 4) I want to meet some amazing people.
Prayer answered: My freshman year of High school, I was showered with so many caring, sincere, just plain awesome friends. Thanks to Tommy, Eric, Andrew, Jarett, Chris, Hergy, Jessi, Laurel, Amanda, Kailee, Taylor and Meryn.

I could go on and on with things that the Lord has given me these past couple of years that have just blown me away.

It has taught me to never give up on myself and my dreams even if they are impossible because if you cut yourself short you will never know the fullest potential you have.

Unless you try something beyond what you've already will never grow.

Hang tight, God is listening and He does answer prayers. Things may be impassible but never impossible. He will take care of you.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

one less drop of poop on your car...

This is basically how this conversation went...

Nicole-Hey look guys!! (points up) Theres a bird living up there!

(looks down)

Nicole-Oh. It's dead.

(laughs from Jessi and Laurel)

Victoria- Did you see the bird?!?

Nicole- It fell.

Victoria- Again?????!!

(more laughter from the peanut gallery)

and that was the end of that little fella.
The poor bird. Runt of the family, got kicked out of the nest. It was your turn to fly buddy.

This is a lesson that I can learn from. Learn how to fly before you get kicked out!

Rodger that. Summer day2

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Goodnight world.:)

My day was great because...

I wore my Winnie the Pooh backpack to school today:)

I dominated my three hardest finals:)

I had coffee with Tiffany and Kailee:)

I ate blizzards with Ma and a peach from my sister:)

My workshops got done an hour early:)

There are two days of school left:)

I was able to attend Campaigners and see all my best friends that I have missed this week:)

I am in the greatest mood and can't wait for summer!! It's a very good feeling when your joy soars high above everything that you are overwhelmed about and you know that it will all come in it's time so enjoy the moments you have right now:)

Although this is a downer, it didn't even make a dent in my perfect day.:)

Goodnight world,
Wake me when it's summer

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Today was Kamiakin High School's Graduation.
It made me really think about some things.
In 1095 days, this will be me. Red gown, cap, and tassel walking up to get my diploma.
Tomorrow it will be 1094. Everyday I'm living I get one step closer to the big day when I begin my future.
I'm realizing how quick it's going to go so I'm not going to take 1 of those days for granted.
From now on, I'm literally going to live my life to the fullest and have the time of my life.

This class of 2010 has inspired me in so many ways. I never thought it was possible to make so many quality friendships in less than a year. The people I have met are indescribable. I am so proud of you all!! I know you guys are going to do great things in your life.

Friday, June 4, 2010

You Gonna Shine Again

I am so obsessed with this song recently and every time I hear it I pick up something new.

It has really brought peace to my heart knowing that God has a plan for every single thing I do and I don't have to worry about a thing.

Then I noticed, when I mess up... who cares!! Laugh it off and move on!! Our days on Earth are limited so don't sweat the small things and waste your time worrying. God has bigger things for you!

When I heard it again, I picked up the fact that God was speaking to me. "This is love calling, love calling, out to the broken." Thats me. The broken. and He is calling!!! That makes me so excited!!

The next time I listened I heard that it's okay to mess up. We're human, we are going to mess up. Don't live your life without an eraser. It's okay to have a bad day here and there. But those clouds are only temporary to the light that our lives bring. "You may be knocked down but not out forever."

Now I can't wait to turn on the radio and hope that this song pops on because when it does, I throw a party. Volume dial gets turned to the right and windows get rolled down. Anyone within a 10 foot radius of me can hear my celebration.

It finally dawned on me that I can purchase this song on iTunes and listen to it whenever I $1.29 ever spent.:)

Oh I guess I should tell you what song it is. "Get back up" by Toby Mac
I hope it inspires you!! :D