Sunday, November 21, 2010

I choose yes.

When I look at my life I see colors.
There are so many different things that shape me and make me, me.
God has given me special talents and I want to use them to glorify Him in every way.

There is so much out there in the world.
So many opportunities.
So many chances to be a part of something bigger than yourself.
When Jesus came down to this Earth, He did nothing but share the love of God with others that were around Him so that they might be saved. He made no mistakes and He was guilty of nothing.

Barrabas was guilty and set free in replace of Jesus...blameless. Jesus died having done nothing.
Is that fair?
Jesus endured far more than we could ever imagine.
Do you know what we deserve?
Eternal death.
But we have a second chance because Jesus wanted to give us the greatest gift that could ever be given.
So for us to throw that away, not even give recognition for what Jesus did, and prance around this world like it spins for us, is not okay.
Jesus paid the ultimate price and we are not the least bit deserving.
We are so blessed.
We all have the choice wether or not we will follow Christ.
My choice is yes.
I want to set the world on fire, until it burns bright for God.
It is my mission to reach as many people as I can in this life and let them know about how much God loves them.
Through the opportunities God has given me, my white canvas of life is turning into a mural.
He provides the paint and it is up to me how beautiful I make my drawing.
I plan to produce and create the most exquisite painting and live every second to the uttermost.

Be Bold.
Be Radical for God.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Today was just a plain old awesome day.
Let me rephrase myself.
This whole week has been plain old awesome.
Besides the fact that it needs to hurry up and be friday.

I got to wear one of the sweetest shirts in the world and it made me so incredibly happy. Lindsay donated it to me for the day. WHOOP!

I went to Micheals after school and almost cried because I only could spend less than five minutes inside and I could have easily spent a few hours in there. If someone would just take me to Micheals for my birthday and let me walk around I would be the happiest kid alive.

Tonight we had our ASB Thanksgiving Feast and it was so much fun. I think I ate the most out of everyone there. I had three plate fulls. The boys never knew I could fit so much in me. That's right. I can eat. Short story small we had some good quality time together and it was exactly what I needed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Pulse

So sorry Earthlings. I forgot to post things. The first day of classes was good. We learned some sweet dances and I met Carmit from the Pussycat Dolls. I also got picked to be in the fashion show in the showcase that evening so I got to dance in some of their merchandise! It was so fun!! The second day of the pulse was fantastic. My number got called by Desmond Richardson to come out with a couple other kids and do the dance again. I think that means I did it good! Mia Micheals could not make it so we took a class from the choreographer from Glee. At the awards ceremony I got a scholarship!! I get to go to another city and take classes for free!! I am so excited!! Overall great weekend and I am so completely stoked about everything! Now back to school.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tigers, Lions and Goblins?

Okay. Hello friends.
I traveled to Portland today. Let me tell you. I really needed to get out of the Tri-Cities. I absolutely love traveling and this trip I know is going to be unforgettable.
We are here for the Pulse convention with Mia Michaels!

Before we walked into the hotel, the bell hop said he was so surprised we didn't know what was going on. Apparently the National Sci-Fi convention is here...this our hotel. He told us not to make them mad because they would cast a spell on us.

Believe it or not we walk in and it looked like Halloween town. I felt like I needed a Harry Potter costume. Except the majority is adults, and it's the scary kind. One guy tried to cast a spell on the elevator.

My sister and I people watched and we met a normal guy (well he was gay but he was wearing normal people clothes) from Brussels! The Country!! He was cool. I gave him a cookie.

All the goblins and vampires were having a dance rave party down the hall. It was kind of entertaining. I think it's crazy how people actually believe this stuff and this is how they live their lives. Add Image

My favorite one of the night was a guy all decked out in who knows what and practically screamed, "I'm not trying to impress you but I'm Super Man!"

hehehhhehe This is so exciting.

Stay tuned,,, I will upload more pictures tomorrow.

May the force be with you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

When you wish upon a star.

It is the weirdest thing but I think God is telling me I am going to be an astronaut.
I am so obsessed with space and the stars and planets.
Everything about it. I LOVE it!!
and guess what topic I am assigned to in Physics.. NASA.
Ironic I know.
So I just made a sweet video about NASA.

On to normal things. Life is rollin like rollerblades. School is shnazzy and guess what?!?!?!? I finished my rock star music Video!!!! Check it out.

I can't wait until Christmas and it's almost here!! whooooo!

I've never had feelings for a car until this one.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Fabulous Friday.
Funny Friday.
Festive Friday.
Food Friday.
Fart Friday.
Funfetti Friday.

Today was insanity!! It was Friday which is insanity by itself but the events which occured werefantastic.

1. I wore my $4 Bright Pink Swishy Pants to school today which was a fantasy.

2. We had a Cat's Cradle Olympics in English today. We have had the same sub the entire week and she didn't like the lesson plans so we had a party and did about half of our work througout the week. She bought string and a cats cradle book just for fun and it brought back so many memories of my skill as a child. Gosh. We need to bring back some of those tradtions.

3. After school Molly Walker drove me home and my mom decided to get herself an iPad. I asked her if she told dad and she told me, "Well, dad went hunting so I figured I would too! This is what I shot!" hah gotta love the mothers. now She's hooting at me every 5 minutes because she doesn't know how to work the thing.
4. Molly, Heidi, Victoria and I tried really hard to put up our Christmas lights outside, and kind of failed. well try again Sunday.

5. I did Pilates

6. Molly and I went to Albertson's and got lost. Going to Albertsons. yuup.

7. We made funfetti cookies and banana muffins and ate Chili and Cornbread.

8. We deliverd them to Kelly Johnston.

9. We discovered the new Starbucks Carmel Machiatto ice cream and became addicted. It is the best thing your tongue will ever come in contact with.
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10. We ended out our night by watching Toy Story 3. I cried.

I hope yall had as fierce of a Friday as I did.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Bright side of a light bulb

Everyone hates Monday's. Not me. I love them. It's the starter to your week, a new beginning to fix everything you didn't like about last week. Oh and also Young Life. everybody loves Young Life. But I'm getting way too ahead of myself.

Today I wore my crazy neon tye die shirt I painted and I just had a feeling something exciting was going to happen so I brought my camera along. I don't know what I was thinking,,, nothing exciting happened at school. Besides the fact that I can't sit still in any of my classes. haha.

However, after school, Molly and I got lost and ended up at Value Village. Hooray. Double Hooray. I found some bright pink swishy pants and some old Disney records for $9! Que Ganga! They are so sweet! I will post pictures later. We talked for a while in the parking lot about how lovely gift cards were.

Then I traveled to my very first voice lesson. Oh boy. I was in for a treat. A couple treats actually. The lady really shouldn't have had such an assortment of chocolates on her table because every time she left the room I would stuff about 10 in my mouth. I love the Dove ones with the little quotes on the inside. The first two I opened had things to do with dancing. I think that's God's way of telling me I need to start enjoying myself at dance. But all in all singing was fun and my teacher sounds like a Disney Princess.

I then came home and got something in the mail!! YES!! and even better... it was a Christmas card!!! from my aunt! hahah my family is so crazy, and you will never guess what was in it. Gift cards. Thats right. God is so flawless. I am speechless. There is another prayer answered. not even because I needed it, but just to let me know that he is there.

Young Life was splendid tonight. Every week there are at least 10 different people that come and it makes me so happy! I am meeting so many people.

If I had one piece of advice for yall it would be this:

Love God and Live for God. He has ultimate power and will give you happiness you will not find anywhere else.

Closing with a bang, this is Nicole Renard.Add Image