Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Art in the Park

I give today a 77 out of 20. Vivacious to say the least.

Tommy joined me this morning and we blew up balloons with paint in them. Then we shot tacks at it onto a canvas board. EXUBERATING! Not only did he experience splatter painting, but also got to enjoy the unique taste of paint as a balloon exploded in his face as he blew it up!! Haha. Then I taught him how to water color. This guy is such a motivation and has some great things coming down the path. Im sure going to miss him. Eric and Shasta then joined us and helped us paint sculptures. Before I knew it I was off to another rehearsal. I ended up at Erwin's house talking about our trip and eating their stale ice cream. As I walked back home I realized that it was incredibly warm, there was absolutely no wind or clouds and there were thousands of stars in the sky. This meant one thing. Camping out on the roof. Yup. I grabbed my sleeping bag and footsie pajamas and headed to the top. I couldn't sleep because the stars were so beautiful. It was such a nice feeling waking up to the sun in your face and the warm radiating from everywhere.
I love this life.:)

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."

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