Saturday, October 23, 2010

It only takes one voice

Today is the National Make a Difference day. I went to a park in Richland where they were building an entirely new playground set up. There were little kids painting bird houses, playgrounds being built, tunnels being made, trees being planted and I was placing rocks for the creek and waterfalls! I can't wait to see the finished product! I was very surprised at how many people showed up to help! Then I went to the Dance Class to take a zumba class in the parking lot! They were raising money for cancer awareness. I got a cute pink shirt that says Dancers for Cancer. It was a lazy day after that. I crafted for a bit then napped then ate dinner and read my bible. While I was listening to the song 100 years, I thought to myself, "Myself, 15 is the prime time of my life. I still have so far to go and there is so much out there for me to discover. There's no use in worrying about things I can't change, but I can find ways to try new things and get the most out of the best years of my life." So my motherly words toAdd Image you all is to not forget who you are and why you are put here on this Earth. We all have to capability to make a difference so what are we waiting for?

-You can not change the cards you were dealt, just how you play the hand.

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