Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Goodnight world.:)

My day was great because...

I wore my Winnie the Pooh backpack to school today:)

I dominated my three hardest finals:)

I had coffee with Tiffany and Kailee:)

I ate blizzards with Ma and a peach from my sister:)

My workshops got done an hour early:)

There are two days of school left:)

I was able to attend Campaigners and see all my best friends that I have missed this week:)

I am in the greatest mood and can't wait for summer!! It's a very good feeling when your joy soars high above everything that you are overwhelmed about and you know that it will all come in it's time so enjoy the moments you have right now:)

Although this is a downer, it didn't even make a dent in my perfect day.:)

Goodnight world,
Wake me when it's summer

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