Monday, November 1, 2010

The Bright side of a light bulb

Everyone hates Monday's. Not me. I love them. It's the starter to your week, a new beginning to fix everything you didn't like about last week. Oh and also Young Life. everybody loves Young Life. But I'm getting way too ahead of myself.

Today I wore my crazy neon tye die shirt I painted and I just had a feeling something exciting was going to happen so I brought my camera along. I don't know what I was thinking,,, nothing exciting happened at school. Besides the fact that I can't sit still in any of my classes. haha.

However, after school, Molly and I got lost and ended up at Value Village. Hooray. Double Hooray. I found some bright pink swishy pants and some old Disney records for $9! Que Ganga! They are so sweet! I will post pictures later. We talked for a while in the parking lot about how lovely gift cards were.

Then I traveled to my very first voice lesson. Oh boy. I was in for a treat. A couple treats actually. The lady really shouldn't have had such an assortment of chocolates on her table because every time she left the room I would stuff about 10 in my mouth. I love the Dove ones with the little quotes on the inside. The first two I opened had things to do with dancing. I think that's God's way of telling me I need to start enjoying myself at dance. But all in all singing was fun and my teacher sounds like a Disney Princess.

I then came home and got something in the mail!! YES!! and even better... it was a Christmas card!!! from my aunt! hahah my family is so crazy, and you will never guess what was in it. Gift cards. Thats right. God is so flawless. I am speechless. There is another prayer answered. not even because I needed it, but just to let me know that he is there.

Young Life was splendid tonight. Every week there are at least 10 different people that come and it makes me so happy! I am meeting so many people.

If I had one piece of advice for yall it would be this:

Love God and Live for God. He has ultimate power and will give you happiness you will not find anywhere else.

Closing with a bang, this is Nicole Renard.Add Image


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